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Paule Constable 
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Meet Paule Constable
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Paule's Career
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I Want To Be A Lighting Designer


Paule's Career

Lighting design is a very technical job but one that also requires sensitivity to language, a good sense of colour, and a liking for dramatic ideas. You can study stage lighting at degree level, but Paule Constable took a degree in English and Drama and then ‘talked her way in’ to an apprenticeship with a lighting firm doing all the simple jobs such as changing plugs and moving the generator, working initially as a follow-spot operator, and gradually progressing and learning from more experienced people. She has worked in lots of theatres in the UK, Europe and the USA, lighting not only plays but also opera and music theatre.


His Dark Materials
Lighting Design
Set Design
Tech Rehearsal Crew
Cittagazee On Stage
Beyond The Book
Faith Truth And Blasphemy
Connections: Paul Groothuis Sound Designer
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