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David Farr 
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Meet David Farr
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David's Career
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I Want To Be an Artistic Director


David's Career

Artistic director David Farr says that he didn't come from a family that had a background in theatre, and didn't even see very many plays when he was young. He thought he wanted to be a teacher, but then got very interested in film. As he got older, he realized what he really loved was being involved in a live production with other people, and the child-like playfulness it involves. He studied English at university and also set up a theatre club with two other actors where they started putting on simple plays. They took one play to the Edinburgh Festival, and won an award for it there, which encouraged him to pursue theatre as a career.


Beasts and Beauties
Running a Theatre
Connections: Garry Ferguson Production Manager | Melly Still Director | Chris Harper Marketing Director
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