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Henry V is a play about war, conflict and national leadership. The National Theatre’s 2003 production was rehearsed and performed against the backdrop of the war in Iraq. This introduction is a guide to the productions section which follow the play from first rehearsal to the stage performance. There is video of performance and interviews with the cast and the creative teams.

In Shadow of War you can hear from Director Nicholas Hytner, and cast members about the impact of the real war on their production. You can find out how Shakespeare uses language to powerful effect in Images of War, and hear from the cast about what it was like learning about Playing Soldiers. Nicholas Hytner explains his approach to Directing, and Penny Downie how she tackled playing The Chorus.

An unusual feature of this modern dress production was the way certain effects were achieved Using Video.

There are certain characters in Henry V who are traditionally played as stock, comic caricature parts. Nicholas Hytner was determined to give them greater depth and credibility as you can learn in Low Life and Nationality and Race.

In a play which is overwhelmingly male, the handful of female members of the cast talk about how they approached playing the Women.

Peter Reynolds and Lee White had access to the production throughout rehearsals. Read their account in the Rehearsal Diary.

But above all Henry V is a play about one man, the King of England, Henry V, played in this production by Adrian Lester. Director Nicholas Hytner and Adrian Lester explain how they tackled this demanding role in The King.


From the National Theatre
Henry V
Nicholas_Hytner Nicholas Hytner
Adrian_Lester Adrian Lester
England At War
Connections: Low Life | Images of War | Using Video | Directing | The King | The Chorus | Playing Soldiers | Women | Nationality and Race | Shadows of War
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