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Front of House 
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Skills to be a theatre manager
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Fire on stage
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Theatre manager's typical day


Front of House

In theatre, there are people like stage carpenters, flymen, and those in wardrobe and make-up whose work is largely backstage, but those staff whose work is ‘front of house’ are responsible for dealing with the audience and are key workers in any theatrical enterprise. The theatre manager is responsible for coordinating all these people, and at the Birmingham Rep Theatre, this is the job of Nigel Cairns. He often acts as a host, giving backstage tours, but must also deal with building-wide issues and the box office staff. The front of house staff are responsible for the comfort and safety of theatre-goers, and making the theatre a welcoming place so that audiences feel well-disposed towards the play they have come to see. These roles require good communication skills since you are constantly dealing with people, both employees of the theatre and the public.

Since he has worked at the Birmingham Rep, Nigel Cairns says that there have been no major incidents, although there was a fire on stage once. As a piece of set was flown in, some drapes got caught in the spotlights and caught fire. However, the fire brigade got to the theatre quickly, put out the fire, and the show continued 20 minutes later.


From Birmingham Repetory Theatre
The Crucible
Jenny_King Jenny King
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