Cecilia Noble - Actor From around the age of fourteen, Cecilia knew that she wanted to act. She kept pretty quiet about it, believing that a career on the stage wouldn’t find instant favour or encouragement at her convent school. She began to act whilst still at school by joining WAC – a Weekend Arts College – and subsequently successfully auditioned for a place at London’s Central School of Speech and Drama. She has never regretted her decision to become an actor and loves theatre so much “because you can create magic”. Sometimes when she meets people who have seen her act they forget her real name and use the name of her character: “Oh, Mrs Quickly …” they say. She finds that a great compliment. As well as playing Mistress Quickly and the Queen of France in this production of Henry V , Cecilia also plays two roles in His Dark Materials : the witch Ruta Skadi and No Name, the Harpy. Let’s hope not too many people confuse her with the latter! |  | |